Dick Raaijmakers - Complete Tape Music - Compact Disc Set
Basta Music
In 1998, the The complete tape music of Dick Raaijmakers was published by Stichting Donemus under the label NEAR (Dutch electro-acoustic repertoire). This large and ambitious project was joined by another CD-box, The complete tape music of Jan Boerman (CV-NEAR 4/5/6/7/8), both elaborately documented and carefully edited by René Uijlenhoet in close collaboration with the composers.
The CD series continued with a 6 CD-box with electroacousic music of Ton Bruynèl, Looking Ears complete (CV-NEAR 12), and CDs with compositions of Kees Tazelaar (CV-NEAR 13) and René Uijlenhoet (CV-NEAR 14).
When The complete tape music of Dick Raaijmakers ran out of print, Donemus was happy that Basta Music was interested to produce a second edition, and offered full co-operation. It fits in well with Basta’s CD projects Popular Electronics: Early Dutch electronic music from Philips research laboratories 1956-1963 and STRP1: Reactions to the music of Dick Raaijmakers.
Moreover, Basta Music and NEAR/Donemus will continue the cooperation with other Dutch electro-acoustic music CD projects in the future.
This second edition (2006) has a new look. Only the English translations of the texts have been included, the original Dutch texts have been left out. The foreword and credits have been adapted. For the rest, however, nothing has changed: audio and texts have remained the same as in the first edition.
The work list does not go beyond 1997, and we decided to leave it that way. However, Dick Raaijmakers made some musical-theatrical compositions after that time, such as Proefneming met een tabakspijp (1998), De weergave (2000), Konzert für...
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