Miss Bee Spoiled - Lotus Blossom - Digital Download
Basta Music
Basta 3090822 | Released 1998.
Some know Beatrice van der Poel as a member of the group Beeswamp; others saw her perform with the Orkater theatre group. In her new incarnation as “Miss Bee Spoiled” Beatrice launched her first album with Basta.
The idea for this recording was born during live and radio performances: jazzy songs from the 30s and 40s, reminiscent of Billie Holiday’s work. With songs such as “Somebody Touched Me” (“In the Dark Last Night”), “Lotus Blossom,” and “Buddy, Stay Off of That Wine” Miss Bee and producer Gert Jan Blom succeed in recreating the moody atmosphere of the era.
Musicians Robert Veen, Menno Daams, Jan Robijns, Theo Pieterse, Ton van Bergeijk, and Gert Jan Blom provide a delightful accompaniment to a unique vocal talent.
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